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5 reasons to create corporate videos

Corporate videos have become an integral part of today's marketing and communication strategies. In this blog post, we'll be exploring the 5 main reasons why your business should invest in creating them.

2nd March, 2023

Written by Ben Collison

Now it is highly likely that you are a business person if you are reading this. So let's cut to the chase and give you all the information you need without any fluff.

After all, running a business can be pretty time-consuming and stressful at times. These insights will surely help with this and produce some brilliant outcomes for you!

What is a corporate video?


Corporate videos are a type of video communication used for a business’s internal or external messaging. They can be distinguished from traditional advertising by their intended audience and the purpose of the video.

A corporate video might focus on all kinds of things such as showcasing new products or services, improving internal operations and communications, as well as building a better brand image.

You can visit our corporate video page after reading this blog to learn more about the variety of video solutions available for this sector.

Now let’s take a look at the biggest benefits of using corporate videos for your business today.

01. Increasing sales


A promo video, product video or company overview video are all similar types of short-form content used for marketing or sales purposes to showcase a company's product, service, or business idea in an effective way.

The dynamic nature of video produces much better results than text or a salesperson because it blends multiple media to deliver a more engaging, informative and trustworthy experience to potential customers.

Based on data from Hubspot, they have concluded that these types of video content are extremely popular. A whopping 94% of those polled reported they watch them in order to learn more about a product. Furthermore, 84% of viewers decided to purchase after viewing the video.

02. Being more informative


Information is stored in segments in both short and long-term memory, but the former is more limited. Pairing ideas with emotive images is one of the simplest ways to make sure that information is retained in long-term memory.

The likelihood that people will recall information is increased by the use of visual aids because they better direct attention and allow content to be broken down more easily.

According to one study, students retained nearly 65% of visual knowledge presented to them over three days, while only 10%–20% of written or spoken information was retained.

Some other useful facts about visual information are:

  • 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual.

  • Our eyes can register 36,000 visual messages per hour.

  • We can get a sense of a visual scene in less than 1/10 of a second.

  • Visuals are processed 60,000X faster in the brain than text.


For these reasons, it is clear to see that when educating your target audience the use of visual material is the most effective method.

Of course, out of the many different forms of visual material to choose from video will always reign supreme as the best option.

03. Improving operations


Video should not only be seen as a great marketing tool or type of entertainment but a tool that can improve all forms of communication.


Implementing video content into your processes can make a huge impact towards reducing costs, saving time, improving morale, removing frustration and innovating training procedures.

Let's discuss a couple of ways you can use video to improve your operational capabilities.

01. Training Videos

Training new and existing team members can often be a long, time-consuming and costly process. For the most part, employees find carrying out and participating in long training sessions to be inconvenient and boring.

Switching over to video is the perfect solution to this. Just think of all the time and money saved by simply producing a highly engaging and informative training video that can be distributed to an infinite number of people with ease.

Essentially, you are simply automating this process more to remove all the things nobody wants to deal with, whilst keeping a personable feel to it all and all the other good stuff intact!

02. Explainer Videos

Okay, so we have found a solution to better train your staff, now it's time to assist your customers some more.

Let's say that you need a customer to go through a process in order to receive your product/service. Ideally, you want this process to be as simple and stress-free as possible for them and your business to carry out. However, far too often this is not the case.

Rather than presenting your potential customers with a dull form containing pages of text or making them engage in a longwinded conversation over the phone, use video instead to eradicate any issues.

Imagine if all your customer had to do was watch a visually engaging and easy-to-follow video that guides them through the entire process of completing an online form in just a few minutes.


This way they can view a real-time, step by a step demonstration of the form being completed that they can pause at any point. The best part for both you and them is that it removes so much frustration that will likely be taken out on one of your innocent employees.


If you know anything about customer service, you will understand how often this can happen. So why not put a stop to it all using video?

Check out this example of an explainer video we made for a client not long ago to get a better idea.

04. Building trust


Real People. Real Environments. Real Messaging. These are a few key things that video can present to your audience that will allow them to build a stronger connection with your brand.

Put simply, video provides audiences with a much better insight into what a business is all about. A good company overview video for example will introduce a potential customer to your team, your premises, your history, your customers and what makes you unique.

Demonstrating these important aspects of your business through a combination of both real visuals and audio feels really authentic.

These benefits translate particularly well through the use of testimonials and case study videos in particular.


Say you are about to start a big project with an important client. Think how brilliant it would be to document the experience, capture a testimonial from them at the end and edit it all into a 5 - 10 minute case study video.

It's the perfect sales tool to put on your website, send out to potential leads and even play at events you attend to convince people to choose to work with you.

05. Repurposing footage


This one is really important to us here at GoldBox Productions because we hate wasted opportunities and love giving our clients the most bang for their buck.

Let's say you hire a video production company to film an upcoming event you're putting on for a day. You are probably expecting a promo video out of it and a lot of the time that is what you will receive.

Why stop there though if there is so much else you can create with that footage? That has always been our belief anyway and for just a little extra editing cost we provide our clients with a wide range of content to distribute across all of their marketing channels.

We're talking different forms of promo videos, social media content, paid video ads, testimonial videos, recording live speakers, aerial drone footage, and even photography with a photo board for extra engagement!

Plus all of that footage can be stored and reused to produce new content in the future. Who says you cannot be more sustainable with digital assets as well eyy?

So whenever you produce material for content, try to squeeze as much genuine value as you can out of it all.

Now you're in the know!


Hopefully, you feel we have provided you with plenty of facts and insights to help educate you on the power of corporate video.

Overall, the most important thing to take away from this blog is to remember that video should be seen as an incredibly effective communication tool that can be utilized in so many beneficial ways.

As mentioned at the start, if you would like to learn even more about corporate video production, feel free to visit our service page.

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